{.:: L O S T | I N | R A M B L E ::.}
Lost in Ramble//Port One

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
11:05 PM

I've chosen somewhere to hide - the internet's a big place, after all. And if I'm lucky, nobody'll find me.

Since this is really just between you and me.

And nobody'll ever know, right?
So everything I'd like to say but can't...

It'll all be right here.

Just between you and me.
Nothing and me.
I like it that way.


//:: I N T R O D U C T I O N ::\\

Welcome to LOST IN RAMBLE.
You've stumbled upon a strange corner of the internet - somewhere I've chosen to hide out for the time being. There's a bit of everything I've got to offer as of current - art, roleplay, writing, and an equivalent amount of honest-to-goodness teen angst rant. It's in your best interest to skip the last one though, however - it's quite possible you'll detain permanent health problems from reading such.

My name is THUMPER.
Or rather - that's what others have chosen to call me, although the identity of dearest Thumper truly belongs to my wonderful plot bunny, who has currently retired (damn him) to his ridiculously luxurious hutch-playpen. Though really - go ahead and call me Thumper. Everyone else does.


//:: C O N T E N T | I N D E X ::\\

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